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My Cat Lady Sewing Challenge WIP


I should have posted this weeks ago, but I was so indecisive when it came to figuring out what I wanted to make for the Cat Lady Sewing Challenge. I've had this Alexander Henry quilting cotton in my possession for the last month or so, but could not for the life of me figure out what to make with it. A dress? Nah, Mod Cloth already has a cute version out and I'm not sure if this print would be "too much" for me as a dress. Currently, skirts have been getting a lot of wear in my wardrobe, so the new Jennifer Lauren Cressida skirt is very appealing to me. I'm not sure which version I'm going to make, however, I know that I'm going to use some yellow buttons.

It's been really really cool to see everyone's in progress and finished garments. You can lurk #catladysewingchallenge on Instagram (or here on websta.me) and the group on Flickr.