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Hawthorn blouse


Last Saturday I was able to sew the majority of Colette Pattern's Hawthorn blouse in one sitting. Of course, for me at least, sewing a blouse in one sitting means a couple of mistakes are guaranteed to happen.

I guess that this is technically a wearable muslin, as I didn't make an official muslin. Kind of crazy for me seeing as I am a stickler about making muslins. Apparently, I am "living on the edge" with this sewing project (I'm so wild). I had a lot of this Betsy Johnson fabric from Mood, so I figured that if the fit was a total nightmare I would just make another blouse.

After tracing the pattern I made a FBA to the paper, but did not make the excess fabric into a bust dart, which I should have. It seemed to throw off my button placement, which I just redrew... incorrectly. Where the peplum attaches to the rest of the blouse there is a gap because there isn't a button and it looks weird on me. After reading about Lauren's sewing tricks I am totally going to steal her idea and put in a hook and eye at the waist and just know that this blouse is going to have to be worn with a belt.

When I make this pattern again I am going to make a few changes. One, I think I need a bigger FBA. Two, make a side bust dart. Three, actually put the buttons in the correct spot. These changes need to be made because I need a sleeveless version of the dress. I just ate a peanut butter and jealous sandwich looking at all the cute versions on the Flickr page.