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Let's sew a Peony!


It's October, Peony time! Are you sewing along with us? It's not too late, you can download a pattern right now if you want to :)

First things first, this is what I am working on this week:

My goal is to have this done soon and have a wearable muslin to show sometime next week. I'm bringing my "A" game this month you guys, I want to have the final dress completed by the end of the month for my wedding anniversary. Three years of marriage and eight years of love mean that we are going to my most favorite place in the world and a new dress is necessary. I can't wait to show you pictures of where we are going! Plus, Peony will make the most perfect holiday dress, so I know I will have something to wear for upcoming parties.

Week of October 1st: Sew-Along Kick-Off (Muslins, measurements, etc)
Week of October 8th: Fabulous Fit
Week of October 15th: It's All About Fabric!
Weeks of October 22nd - 31st: Be Our Guest
Week of November 5th: Peony Parade - upload your finished dress into the sew-along Flickr group!