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A pink polka dot Hazel and a gift for my friend Megan

A couple of weeks ago I asked your opinion on what I should wear to one of my BFF's wedding receptions. I ended up choosing what most of you chose, the pink polka dot Hazel paired with a black cardigan and thin black belt. Unfortunately, I was too busy having fun and didn't take many pictures while at the wedding reception, so I took some photos in the dress this past weekend.

This is one of the only pictures I (Luke) took, but at least it has the bride in it! The photo is of Taryn, Amy, and myself, with Megan up above. She was a beautiful bride and I couldn't be more happy for her and Matt. I didn't get to talk too much with her (there were a lot of people there), but I was so happy to be at her special day. My friends and I all got to sit together and we had fun. Plus there was a crazy drunk girl at our table that embarrassed herself (only she doesn't know it) and gave Luke and I comical parenting advice (we don't have kids). That's a whole other story that I will probably post about in my Live Journal haha.

This weekend I wore the Hazel again and made sure to take pictures. I decided to take these in my "new" bedroom. Well, the bedroom isn't really new, but it feels new since we switched rooms and got a couple of pieces of new furniture.

Pretty much the same photo as above, but Lebron decided to join me in this one. What a guy.

 Alright, let's talk about the dress. I love the fabric I chose and you would think that since this is the third time I have made the dress that I would have the fit down. Well, it appears that I don't :( In this version of the dress (not the others) there are vertical lines in the bodice area. It's wearable and not a huge deal, but still kind of a bummer. Next time I will do better, yes, there will be a next time!

My invisible zipper skills are improving with each garment!

This version of the Hazel took me a bit longer to make because I added white piping all along the top of the bodice and the straps. It adds a nice touch, don't you think?

 Alright, back to Megan. For her wedding gift I made her this shark apron. Her favorite hobby is fishing and her goal is to catch a shark, so I thought that a shark apron would be appropriate. In her card I told her that I hope she can wear this while she is cooking her first shark.

Wild sharks!