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Hazel Parade and a giveaway!


Hello and happy Monday! If you haven't been over to the Sew Colette Flickr group then I suggest you check it out now and look at all of the beautiful Hazel dresses. I've posted some (not all) of my favorites below:

Marrie B is one of those people that makes the cutest things and each and every time the fit is perfect! I have featured her in past sew-along projects and every time I marvel at how perfect her outfits look. Go Marrie! :)

Peek-a-boo back on hazel dress
Let's talk about Qui's dress. How amazing is the back of the dress? I love the cut out and the buttons. Qui, are you planning a tutorial for this in the future? Hint hint :)

Yesterday Rochelle and I were literally "fighting" via email and text over who got to post Qui's dress, we both just love it so much! 

Colette Hazel Dress
Speaking of Rochelle, Queen of Alterations, she made some changes to the dress that I never would have thought of. She used three different color fabrics for an ombre effect, pleats instead of gathers for the skirt, and top stitching on the seams. The end product is beautiful and perfect for summer.

Hazel Front
Katiesews2much has made a couple of Hazels (love them both), but I decided to post this one because I love her fabric choice and her styling. Those shoes are adorable! In her blog post she mentioned that she has worn the dress three times. I'm in the same boat, I've worn my Hazels at least once a week!

More dresses are featured on Rochelle and Sarah's blogs!

Alright, let's talk business: are you going to be sewing the Macaron dress with us in August? Did you sew Hazel with us or any of the other patterns in the Sew Colette sew-along (Meringue, Pastille, Truffle, Taffy, Licorice)? If you said "yes" to either question then you are eligible for this world wide giveaway!

There were a couple of ladies that liked the flamingo fabric I used for my muslin, so I stopped by Quiltin Cousins and picked up a yard to give to one of you! If you would like to enter to win, please leave me a comment and tell me if you have any exciting summer plans coming up. The winner will be announced on Monday, July 30th.