Licorice dress is completed!

It's no secret that Joan from Mad Men is my favorite character on the show. I even have a Pinterest board dedicated to her and the cast! So when I saw the image below I knew that I wanted to make my Licorice dress look similar to hers.

 I can't look like Joan :( so I have to make dresses inspired by her hahaha. And of course I have her necklace! Off the topic of my dress, but did you watch Sunday's episode? She bummed me out.

 It's funny, while sewing this I did not like the dress at all. I liked the pattern, but hated the pink and purple combo (sorry, Joan!) and wished I had chosen a print like Tabatha's. Then when I was finished I tried it on and my opinion suddenly changed on the color. I am happy with the fit and I don't know what happened, but I like the colors now. My mind is all over the place!

I'm excited that this is my first project for Sew Cinematic!

Do any of you subscribe to Snippets? A recent tip was very helpful and I used it on this dress. It suggested that when you need to turn under a raw edge 1/4 inch to press (for the hem) do a line of basting stitches first, so you will know exactly where to turn it. Genius!


  1. Your dress is fantastic! I like the colors! And your pen necklace -- so cool. I also got that Snippets tip, and used it on my Licorice - it worked really well!

    1. Thank you, MarrieB!

      Isn't that tip a lifesaver? It's saved me from wasting my time and being frustrated!

  2. Erin it's amazing!!!! Definitely my favorite Licorice :) It looks fantastic on you, and I'm totally jealous you have her necklace lol. Where did you get it? Also, Sunday's episode totally bummed me out! Both her and Peggy. But whatever. Gotta keep it interesting right?!

    I do subscribe to Snippets, but I have always done my hems with a stitch measurement first because I was always too lazy to use a seam gauge! Haha!

    1. Thanks, Rochelle! I got the necklace here: Well, actually Luke got me the necklace last year for mi birthday :)

  3. Oh my gosh, Sunday's MM episode was CRAZY! My husband and I were both screaming at the TV "No no no no nooooooooooo!". Oof.

    I really like the dress-- the colors look great on you! You look super cute!

    I'm with Rochelle-- I've always measured hems with stitches first because I HATE fiddling with the measurements! Sometimes when I'm really feeling lazy I don't even bother to remove the stitching!

    1. Thank you!

      And how sad was it when Don came over and said not to do it? :(

  4. Wowza!! Meee-ooowww! You look mahvallous, dahlink! What a fantastic dress! <3 The pink and purple combo look lovely on you! Well done!!

    I am so jealous that you have Joan's pen necklacke - wherever did you find it!

    1. Luke got me the necklace from here:

  5. I love it! Totally Joan! I would have the same feeling sewing it up - with the contrasting colors - but I think it looks fantastic!

    1. Thank you, Christine! Are you going to make one? I know yours would be amazing!

  6. Dude, that dress is AMAZING!!! I'm envious of the fit - it's perfect! and the colour is gorgeous on you!! I'm SOOOOOOOO glad you decided to sew it without modifications because it's really nice to see what one looks like in a solid colour, and the sleeves look great on you! What type of fabric is that? The weight and drape are perfect!

    I subscribe to Snippets and have used that method to turn a hem but admittedly, I'm usually a bit more impatient and because of my design background, I can eyeball a pretty straight hem anyway, so that's what i usually do :P

    1. Aww thank you Symon!

      I think I am the exact opposite of Rochelle, I never make any modifications hahah.

  7. Aw, I love it! I am a sucker for anything Joan and anything bright colored, but this rocks even on top of that :)

  8. Wow, this dresss looks so beautiful on you!

    1. Thank you, Catherine. I hope to wear it to dinner tonight :)

  9. GORGEOUS DRESS. Looks incredible on you. And thanks also for the tips. I can always use help in that department.

    So how was dinner? :)
