The Fourth Project - Taffy


Are you ready to sew up a blouse for the sew along? I know I am! One of my goals is to sew more tops because at work all I seem to wear is a white V neck t-shirt paired with a cardigan, jeans, red lipstick, and flats. Dresses and skirts aren't really practical for my work, so I am really excited for the Taffy blouse. I think that it is a top that can be dressy or casual depending on the fabric choice, so hopefully I will have one of each style by the time this is finished. The schedule is listed below. 

Schedule for sewing the Taffy shirt designed by Colette Patterns.
April 6th - Let's talk about fabric.
April 13th - Marvelous Muslins
April 20th - Special Guests
April 30 - Taffy Parade

This is kind of off topic, but I wanted to recommend another sew along that is going on right now. It's hosted by Sarah, Meg, Solvi, and Veronica. The options are endless because the goal is to make clothing based on what your favorite characters are wearing in movies or on television. Pretty cool, huh? I'm going to kill two birds with one stone and make my upcoming Licorice dress work with Sew Colette and Sew Cinematic. Just a thought :) 


  1. I love the top too, especially the flutter sleeves, and agree that it can be dressy or not. I'm excited to see how it turns out. Good luck!

  2. YES! I will finally be joining in!!! Can't wait for the Taffy :)
