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Sorbetto Sunday (plus a Mai Tai)

I love living by the ocean!

Cheers from Shell Beach, California! The weather has been beautiful the last few days, so I have been out and about enjoying it. I met up with Kirsten yesterday morning and then went to The Cliffs  with some girlfriends for cocktails.

I finished my Sorbetto and I just love it. I used the fabric I bought from Mood last weekend, added a few inches to the shirt length, and added sleeves. It's such a simple pattern to sew up and depending on the fabrics used it can be dressed up or down. The shirt is one that I can wear to work, as well as on the weekends. There will be more shirts to come!

My only issue with the shirt was making the bias tape. I used a bias tape maker and an iron, but had trouble pressing down the fabric where the seams were joined when it was coming out the bias tape maker. Does that make sense? The seams just seemed to flop open. Does anyone have any tips for this?

I love this pool, but why aren't more people swimming?

A very strong Mai Tai.

Seventy degree weekends in mid January?!?! Yes, please!


  1. FABULOUS Sorbetto and oh, the weather and those Mai Tai's....Wish I was there!!

    1. Thanks, Debi! I wish you were here too! We could gossip and talk about sewing and drink! I need more sewing friends IRL. Not too many sew and my husband is probably getting pretty sick of hearing about blogs, bias tape, and muslins haha :)

  2. Super cute. And what wouldn't I give for some nice warm weather?!

  3. Ooh la la, LOVE the sorbetto! That red is perfect! Dammit, why did I ever leave southern California?! I'm freezing in NYC and I desperately miss that sunshine!

    1. Thank you!

      Whereabouts did you live in California?

    2. Right in LA-- I went to college there and worked for a studio for a year before moving to NYC. I like it here, but I can't help but wish I had stayed in CA, especially during the winter!

  4. Oh, what a fantastic Sorbetto! The red is just gorgeous on you - love the print, too. It's freezing and snowy here - want to trade? LOL!

    1. Thanks, Sarah!

      I'm just glad I got to enjoy the sunshine for a bit. It's supposed to rain over the weekend :/

  5. your top looks terrific! the red fabric was a great choice--very pretty on you. and I really like the addition of sleeves. I made my sorbetto longer too ;) I don't like my lower back hanging out when I sit!!
    We also enjoyed the warm weather, and I spent most of my weekend outside--haven't done a lick of sewing. but rain is on the forecast, so I hope to make some progress this week.

    1. Thank you!

      It's supposed to rain here also, but I doubt I will get much sewing in, I'm going to a quilt show! Hurray!

  6. I love that you added sleeves. So cute!

  7. Spraying the bias tape with fabric sizing before it goes into the bias tape maker works really well. You also need to be careful not to stretch the bias as it's coming through the tool and iron a small piece at a time. Love the red sorbetto!

    1. Thank you so much for the tip! The bias tape was driving me crazy, so I will be sure to try your trick next time :)

  8. I followed you over from LiveJournal, I had the wood tip for bias tape. I still have to post my Sorbetto's. I'm not always so good at getting pictures up.
