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So tired



Just wanted to check in and give a shout out to all the moms, but especially the ones who sew/knit/quilt/etc. It's so hard. It's so hard not having time for the hobbies that fill us up. It's so hard being a mom all day and then being so exhausted by the end of the day that you can't even look at your sewing machine.

I see you. You're giving it your all. You're doing a good job.

Make Nine

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Every year my good friend, Rochelle, hosts a Make Nine Challenge. I've joined a few times in the past, but have never fully completed all nine projects. This year is going to be different, I'm joining in AND completing everything. Aren't you soooooo excited?!?!?

What's different about this time around (on your end) is that I'm not making concrete declarations on the specific patterns I'm using. In the photo above there are some loose guidelines, but there will be no declarations of "I'M MAKING THE NEW GRAINLINE JACKET." No hate to Grainline (only hearts hearts hearts), and I have no idea if they have a new jacket pattern coming out, but I'm not committing to a brand/pattern/fabric. As soon as commitments combine with hobbies it seems like homework and the excitement dims. No, chores or homework, thanks.

Starting off 2021 with a big ✔ on the list. Here is my interpretation of "something drapey." Literally from the book Drape Drape 3 which means it's legit drapey. Since I hoard black fabric I have no idea where it's from, how much it cost, or what it is. For sure, it's some sort of jersey, but that's all I've got.

Dean was helping with the poses if you couldn't tell. He loves the sleeves as much as I do. He doesn't care about the sloppy top stitching around the neckline, the fact that neckline binding wasn't sewn on, or the fact that there is cat hair everywhere. Imagine me singing that Dashboard Confessional song to my pets hahahhah. "Your hair is everywhere."

Cool mask purchased from Heartworm Press/The Daily Planet. Currently sold out, but keep your eyes on their site because it's killer.



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Whoa. Since 2002 I have been blogging in some form. It started out on Live Journal and then transferred over to Blogger. Sometimes posts would be written and go up several times a week, sometimes two posts in a day. Now it looks like the "latest" post was almost a year ago 😳

In comparison to the past my completed knitting, quilting, and garment sewing completed projects have dwindled... And it has been rough on me. Being creative with fabrics, patterns, and yarns was, and is, my solace in dealing with depression and anxiety. The first five months of motherhood was rough on me mentally. Dean didn't sleep, therefore I didn't sleep. And I didn't have time for the comfort of hobbies.

Fast forward a year. He is sleeping through the night and takes a nap during the day. He goes to bed around 8:00 each night. That gives me an hour or two of "me" time to sew, knit, quilt, and read. Oh, and crochet! I used my "free time" during the pandemic to learn a couple of stitches for a scrap blanket.

Everyone says that it gets easier and that there will be time in the future for my projects. It's true. Each day is a little easier. And each evening I look forward to knitting a few rows, sewing a couple of quilt blocks, or working on a new garment... if I have the energy. It's truly what gets me through the day. My hobbies save me. Has anyone ever mentioned being a mom is hard? 😜 Because it is.

There is more to come shortly...

Mom life, blog life.

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Can you really call yourself a blogger when you don't blog? This space has been silent for the last 7 + months, shout out to baby Dean for that. According to the last post back in February I was pregnant, now let's time travel ahead to September 2019 and I have a seven month old baby. Whoa!

If it seems like I am complaining about not having time to write, that is NOT the case. Life fucking rules right now. The first five months of Dean's life were rough, but each day gets a little easier and more manageable. Now that he sleeps through the night and actually naps, I have a little free time in the evenings. Time for knitting, reading, quilting, or sewing clothes. And wine.

It's a bit daunting going from zero time for hobbies to having an hour or two each night. What to do? Start a new knitting project or finish an old one? Trace a sewing pattern or cut out a pdf? Pick out fabrics for a quilt back? Watch 90 Day Fiance or complain about not having a show to watch and spend twenty minutes trying to find something that's interesting? Read one of the books I can't seem to stop buying despite having shelves of unread novels?

Sometimes the nicest thing in the world is doing nothing. Lying in bed with the fan on, eyes closed. A cat purring beside you. Watching your sleeping baby breathe in and out while the ocean waves on the sound machine lull him to sleep.

I'll get back to my projects one day. For now, life revolves around my guy.


Seamwork Almada

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Hiiiiiiiii! It's definitely been a minute since my last post and I've had a major change in my life. If you don't already know from following me on Instagram, I'm pregnant. Despite a lack of blog posts, sewing still has been happening behind the scenes (or in front of the scenes if you follow me on Instagram, but whatever), however, I have been more thoughtful about where my time is being spent in regards to sewing patterns.

One factor I always think about when making something is "will this get worn?" If the answer is "no" or "maybe, once in a while" then the pattern usually isn't purchased/sewn. Yes, there are some special exceptions, but 95% of the time that's how my mind works. Time is very precious and making clothing that is useful is really important to me. And when your back hurts, it's hard to get comfortable, and breathing normally is a luxury then time is extra precious.

So, what I'm trying to say is that I was able to sew this Seamwork Almada robe in an old school pre pregnancy Erin sewing session that was completed in an afternoon. I wanted to make a robe to wear in the hospital, for nursing, for this maternity photoshoot, and even out and about in the summer. This robe is the definition of multi use to me.

The fabric was purchased from Hart's Fabric in Santa Cruz last month and it's a lightweight cotton voile in my favorite color (or non color if you want to go that route), black. It's sheer, so if this is going to be worn out on the town then I'll probably wear a tank underneath and leggings. But isn't the black so good? Yeah, this is going to get worn a lot for sure.

The Almada Robe was released a while back, maybe a two or three years ago? It's one of those patterns that I slept on and am confused why I didn't make much sooner. Directions were to the point and easy to understand. I omitted the snap on the front and it doesn't seem like it shows too much boob when tied correctly, interfaced the sleeve cuffs and waist ties for more structure, and used store bought bias tape which was kinda stiff in a good way. Still kinda in awe that this was all sewn in a day since that hasn't happened in a long time. Maybe the fact that the photoshoot was scheduled that afternoon put a fire under me haha.

Shoutout to the wonderful Kacie Jones for taking these photos. I met her through my BFF Ariana and have had the opportunity of working with her a few times now. She gets my style and vibe and Luke and I just adore her. I'm posting some photos that are more artsy and less focused on the garment, so deal with it 😀

Power Clash!


Power clashing is when you wear leopard print shoes, a black and white striped t-shirt, and a floral corduroy pinafore. Ok, that is not the exact definition of power clashing and I don't know what the official definition is, but I feel like this outfit fits the description of what I imagine it to be.

Top: A Grainline Studio Lark Tee. Crew neck neckline with short sleeves. There are different neckline options and this is my first time sewing a crew neck (with this pattern) and I like it. Nothing super exciting to say about the construction of this, just serged and zig zag stitched my heart out. While making a knit t-shirt isn't the most exciting garment to sew, I LOVE making them. I like making things that don't chill in my closet and Lark fits well in my life and on my body haha. I've made two Larks with the v-neckline and I wear them constantly. Oh, striped knit is from The Fabric Store in Los Angeles (RIP).

Pinafore: The Helen's Closet York. This was the first Helen's Closet pattern I had sewn and let me just say, I am a fan! Her instructions are thorough, I like that she gives a quick overview on making adjustments if needed, and I like the diagram that helps assess the fit.

This is View A, the view with the large scoop side pockets. Oh, don't see the pockets? That's because I pattern matched themmmmmm! They're pretty decently camouflaged and I'm pleased with the outcome. If I was fancy and did gifs this would be where I upload something of me dancing around with my hands in my pockets.

The armholes and neckline are finished with bias tape. Attaching the bias tape was the most time consuming part of sewing. That said, I sewed this pinafore in a day, so it really didn't take too long since I was using premade tape. I used scraps, so my neckline is finished in black and the armholes are finished in red. It's so satisfying using up weird and random bits of bias tape from previous projects for some reason.

Current status: comfy dress (I've never worn a pinafore before and the word doesn't roll off my tongue very easily) in a fun corduroy print from Stonemountain and Daughter Fabrics in Berkeley, California. It was one of those impulse buys that needed to be immediately purchased so it could sit in my stash for a few years haha. Luckily I bought three yards of it because I needed to use more fabric than the pattern called for. The cutting layout had the front and back pieces going in opposite directions, which wouldn't work with the fabric pile. I ended up cutting the fabric with the selvedges together and the pattern pieces going in the same direction. Problem solved.

I'm bad about updating my blog, but I just wanted to say that I appreciate all of you who still read and comment on my posts. xoxox